



  • About

It’s 20 years since our very first Dental Volunteer Programme in Tanzania and we’re asking you to donate £20 to help us raise £20,000  kickstarting the next 20, and to continue making a lasting difference.

Your donation of #20for20 will make a lasting difference by;

  • Supporting up-skilling of the local dental workforce: the providers of essential dental care. 
  • Training teachers and community health workers to cascade essential key oral health messages into schools and communities.
  • Enabling expansion of our programmes, reaching more people while creating sustainable and community led change. 

Why is our work needed?

Oral diseases and pain currently affect around 3.5 billion people worldwide, disproportionately impacting the most disadvantaged populations, typically in remote rural areas. This affects someone’s ability to eat and carry out everyday tasks such as working and attending school. 75% of those affected live in low and middle-income countries. In the Mwanza region of Tanzania, 76% of adults and 38% of children have dental caries with no access to dental care and very low oral health literacy. People are living for years with dental pain, which could lead to disfigurement, sepsis, and can sometimes be fatal.

What are we doing?

At Bridge2Aid, we believe in focusing on training, whilst working with local partners, Ministries and National Dental Associations to ensure our work is line with a country's National Oral Health Policy and priorities.

Many district hospitals have now employ Dental Therapists, but they are often working in isolation, with no access to training, development or peer support.

By training local dental therapists, teachers, and community health workers, we ensure that oral health education and treatment are accessible to those who need it most and your money will go right to the heart of it.